Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happenings the last few months

YAY I've kindof figured out this adding pics thing..Pics make a blog more interesting..So hopefully I'll get more readers..lol...

Katie painted and put together some AMAZING art pieces..Her teacher Ms.B put them in an art show at our community college..This is from a pic her Nana gave her

This one is from a card she found in Ms B's classroom..It's my birthday present..

This is her Mixed Media..BEST OF SHOW..We're sooo proud of her..She named it "Organized CHaos"

This is a diaper cake I made for my friend..At the end they dismantled it..S didn't get a pic of it, so I've given her one.Next time I'm gonna make a sign that says not to dismantle it..

This is a Emo Doll I made..The pattern is free at Suncatchers Eyes For Toys..

This is a chili pepper I got the pattern somewhere off the web..It was free..

The girls are getting restless..Puter time is winding down..Hope everyone has a BLESSED day...

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