Saturday, October 31, 2009
WELL, HELLO ALL!!!Can't believe it's Halloween again..Been busy getting the girls' costumes ready..Ofcourse they've changed thei minds twice each..Briana and Katie aren't going to dress up but I think they are going to go Trick or Treating with us..I'm not ususally excited about Halloween, cause of all the background of it..But ths year our church isn't putting on the haunted house..So we're going out..Brian has to work tonight, but that's alright..Time changes too tonight..So I'll put pics up of the girls maybe one or two of me as have all these pics of the girls but hardly any of me with them..I know for a fact Sarah is going to be a lil Aboriginee..Or my take on one..I need to get the dishes going, my water is boiling..Have a SAFE and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!.Crafty hugs..
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Moving Over
Boy am I glad the move is over....Now the mess of sorting through the stuff and pitch what I'm not gonna be using..We still don't have a couch cause I'm gonna start saving for my black leather couch and recliner..Except I want one that warms and'm spoied..We're also gonna start saving for a washer/dryer set..I want Neptunes..So it'll be awhie but worth it..Even tho I HATE going to the laundromat..
Blue is preggy and I think Lacey is as well..So there's gonna be puppies around for the holiday season..And I'm gonna get them fixed cause I can't handle puppies..Too messy..The girls are doing well, we're gonna start on the Christmas ornies soon..You may think too soon but it's not..I'm a be updating more, Bri doesn't like me on the puter when he's around..And I've broken the rules today..Crafty hugs..
Blue is preggy and I think Lacey is as well..So there's gonna be puppies around for the holiday season..And I'm gonna get them fixed cause I can't handle puppies..Too messy..The girls are doing well, we're gonna start on the Christmas ornies soon..You may think too soon but it's not..I'm a be updating more, Bri doesn't like me on the puter when he's around..And I've broken the rules today..Crafty hugs..
Saturday, July 25, 2009
My goodness alot can happen..We're thinking of moving back into town..The girls' school and such..Plus our church, it's getting too expensive to live out here..I LOVE my house but I need to be closer to town...Busily making christmas stuff..Getting a head start or at least hope too..Work is picking up for Brian and I'm glad..Been really scarey the last few months..But life goes on..
Andie is with friends at Knotts Berry arm this weekend..She was sooo EXCITED to go..Everything was prepaid so why not..She's never been to anything like that Disneyland either..None of my girls have..BOO HOOO...
I'm really sad cause on of my friends is throwing her marriage away..She's also into things that go against everything I believe in..I'm torn between staying away from her or still dropping by..It all boils down to she's in her 30's now and been with her hubby since she was a kid..I just hope she wakes up before it's too late..Another friend says she seems happier..YEAH, she doesn't have her hubby there to tell her when she's WRONG...And the saying "SIN IS FUN FOR A SEASON" keeps playing in my head..She's going to reap a BOUNTIFUL harvest and YES I WILL BE THERE FOR HER!!!..I'm just really sad..Her children are caught in the crossfire as well..It seems like they only go to church cause they want to keep an eye on their dad for their mom..The daughter goes back and tells out and out lies to her mom about her dad, but yet she doesn't have anything to do with him outside of church..It's a real MESS..
Then another of my friends' daughter is pregnant at 17..Her mother was 17 when she had her, oh well..That's the way it goes..Better get for now packing and pitching is what I'm doing..Bye for now..
Andie is with friends at Knotts Berry arm this weekend..She was sooo EXCITED to go..Everything was prepaid so why not..She's never been to anything like that Disneyland either..None of my girls have..BOO HOOO...
I'm really sad cause on of my friends is throwing her marriage away..She's also into things that go against everything I believe in..I'm torn between staying away from her or still dropping by..It all boils down to she's in her 30's now and been with her hubby since she was a kid..I just hope she wakes up before it's too late..Another friend says she seems happier..YEAH, she doesn't have her hubby there to tell her when she's WRONG...And the saying "SIN IS FUN FOR A SEASON" keeps playing in my head..She's going to reap a BOUNTIFUL harvest and YES I WILL BE THERE FOR HER!!!..I'm just really sad..Her children are caught in the crossfire as well..It seems like they only go to church cause they want to keep an eye on their dad for their mom..The daughter goes back and tells out and out lies to her mom about her dad, but yet she doesn't have anything to do with him outside of church..It's a real MESS..
Then another of my friends' daughter is pregnant at 17..Her mother was 17 when she had her, oh well..That's the way it goes..Better get for now packing and pitching is what I'm doing..Bye for now..
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I also hope to get a card site going..It's sending FREE cards to people that need cheering up..My vision was Cancer patients since cancer has touched my family's life..My sister,breast cancer SURVIVOR!!!...Anyway,just wanted to share..
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Happenings the last few months
YAY I've kindof figured out this adding pics thing..Pics make a blog more interesting..So hopefully I'll get more
Katie painted and put together some AMAZING art pieces..Her teacher Ms.B put them in an art show at our community college..This is from a pic her Nana gave her

This one is from a card she found in Ms B's classroom..It's my birthday present..

This is her Mixed Media..BEST OF SHOW..We're sooo proud of her..She named it "Organized CHaos"

This is a diaper cake I made for my friend..At the end they dismantled it..S didn't get a pic of it, so I've given her one.Next time I'm gonna make a sign that says not to dismantle it..

This is a Emo Doll I made..The pattern is free at Suncatchers Eyes For Toys..

This is a chili pepper I got the pattern somewhere off the web..It was free..

The girls are getting restless..Puter time is winding down..Hope everyone has a BLESSED day...
Katie painted and put together some AMAZING art pieces..Her teacher Ms.B put them in an art show at our community college..This is from a pic her Nana gave her

This one is from a card she found in Ms B's classroom..It's my birthday present..

This is her Mixed Media..BEST OF SHOW..We're sooo proud of her..She named it "Organized CHaos"

This is a diaper cake I made for my friend..At the end they dismantled it..S didn't get a pic of it, so I've given her one.Next time I'm gonna make a sign that says not to dismantle it..

This is a Emo Doll I made..The pattern is free at Suncatchers Eyes For Toys..

This is a chili pepper I got the pattern somewhere off the web..It was free..

The girls are getting restless..Puter time is winding down..Hope everyone has a BLESSED day...
Hello Hello
AGAIN, I reappear...The past few months have been pretty hectic..I've been helping my hubby with work..But he's working for someone else right now so I get to stay home..Sarah is very happy about that..
Briana turned 17 on sunday..Boy does she have an attitude to go with it...Now her sister's are ANNOYING as if she's not..Bree wants you all to know that's NOT her baby..She was just holding her..

Katie is looking forward to going back to school..Sophomore this year...Boy do they ever grow up FAST!!!!!

Andie is going in the 5th grade and she's now looking forward to 7th grade..She wants to wear make up too..I tell her to enjoy being young..Besides it's a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT!!!!

Valerie is going to be in 1st grade, I'm keeping her home this year as she's not up to grade level in her reading yet..Math she's a WIZ!!!..So this year will be spent with me (YAY) and we'll get her reading in NO TIME!!!!!..

Sarah is Sarah...She likes to color and play with her babies..We have new babies at church and she loves to look and sing to them..She's gonna be a GREAT mama some day..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Well lets see what I've been up to for the last few months..
We moved into our own home..Well it's a mobile home, but home...It's a HUGE fixer upper
but we're up to the challenge..Some teens used it for a party house..It had graffitti and holes punched in the walls..Someone even attempted to start a fire in the middle of the living room floor..But with some paint and plywood it's coming along..We're going for a "cabin theme" in here and ofcourse my kitchen is going to be in the "coffee theme"...My friend's daughter spent the night last week (spring break) and she graced me by DELETING ALL my photos on my digi camera..We had over 800 on the card..I called my teenager Briana and asked her if she saved the pics somewhere..Thank God she did..I am sooo GRATEFUL..So now I have to figure out how to retrieve the pics from a laptop..Sarah my 2 year old is beginning to let me crochet more and more..I'm soo glad she's letting me do this FINALLY..I'm looking forward to her letting go a little bit more..I've been raising kids since I was 20..And boy am I EXHAUSTED..But it's been great too..
Briana has a male friend..She met him on Tagged and they've been talking online for 7 months..As soon as he graduates high school he wants to come visit Briana..So we'll see how that goes..She's already laid out the law to him..No touching, meet her at church,and they won't be going ANYWHERE by themselves..And he's agreed to it..I say GO BREE!!!..He sent a pic of himself and he reminds me of my husband when we were young..I thank GOD we have unlimited text and LONG distance on our home is plugging away on her studies..Not long until she graduates herself..UGH...
Then we have our Katie and we DON'T go there..Let's just say she turned 15 in November and had a 19 now 20 year old liking her..And she can't understand why I FREAKED out..Soo SHHHHH on that...Katie is doing GREAT in school tho..She's not liking the fact that she has to go to a different school next year..The high school is maybe 8 minutes away..And for now we drive her to school about 20 minutes away..And that's with NO TRAFFIC...
Cassie and ANdie are also doing well in school..They are more accepting the fact they also have to go to different schools next year..Cassie is 12 and she's an A,B Honor Roll student..Andie is 9 will be 10 next month and she's our STRAIGHT A HONOR ROLL!!!...We're PROUD of ALL our kids...
Valerie is 6 now..Her birthday was in Febby..She wants to go to REAL school for her 1st grade year..I'm trying to talk her into homeschooling online..But it's the WONDER of the BUS that has her...I will end up registering her but I still like to ask...
Then our lil Sarah is now 2 years old and she has such the little personality..She still nurses, not as much nowdays and I'm a bit sad as she's our LAST BABY!!!..But kindof relieved too..Now to get them out of our bed at night..Oh they fall asleep in their beds, but come in sometime in the night..And Valerie has been kicking me soo much that my ankle is bruised and has a little knot in it..OUCH!!!!...
And as for my hubby Brian..Work is starting to come his way more plentiful and I'm sooo glad..He's a carpenter by trade, but I didn't realize just how good he is at his work..He made a custom cabinet for a customer and I helped a bit..(I have the splinters to prove When he installed it..I was like WHOA!!!...After 17 1/2 years he STILL amazes me..Now I just need to remember that next time I'm MAD at
Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL 2009....
We moved into our own home..Well it's a mobile home, but home...It's a HUGE fixer upper
but we're up to the challenge..Some teens used it for a party house..It had graffitti and holes punched in the walls..Someone even attempted to start a fire in the middle of the living room floor..But with some paint and plywood it's coming along..We're going for a "cabin theme" in here and ofcourse my kitchen is going to be in the "coffee theme"...My friend's daughter spent the night last week (spring break) and she graced me by DELETING ALL my photos on my digi camera..We had over 800 on the card..I called my teenager Briana and asked her if she saved the pics somewhere..Thank God she did..I am sooo GRATEFUL..So now I have to figure out how to retrieve the pics from a laptop..Sarah my 2 year old is beginning to let me crochet more and more..I'm soo glad she's letting me do this FINALLY..I'm looking forward to her letting go a little bit more..I've been raising kids since I was 20..And boy am I EXHAUSTED..But it's been great too..
Briana has a male friend..She met him on Tagged and they've been talking online for 7 months..As soon as he graduates high school he wants to come visit Briana..So we'll see how that goes..She's already laid out the law to him..No touching, meet her at church,and they won't be going ANYWHERE by themselves..And he's agreed to it..I say GO BREE!!!..He sent a pic of himself and he reminds me of my husband when we were young..I thank GOD we have unlimited text and LONG distance on our home is plugging away on her studies..Not long until she graduates herself..UGH...
Then we have our Katie and we DON'T go there..Let's just say she turned 15 in November and had a 19 now 20 year old liking her..And she can't understand why I FREAKED out..Soo SHHHHH on that...Katie is doing GREAT in school tho..She's not liking the fact that she has to go to a different school next year..The high school is maybe 8 minutes away..And for now we drive her to school about 20 minutes away..And that's with NO TRAFFIC...
Cassie and ANdie are also doing well in school..They are more accepting the fact they also have to go to different schools next year..Cassie is 12 and she's an A,B Honor Roll student..Andie is 9 will be 10 next month and she's our STRAIGHT A HONOR ROLL!!!...We're PROUD of ALL our kids...
Valerie is 6 now..Her birthday was in Febby..She wants to go to REAL school for her 1st grade year..I'm trying to talk her into homeschooling online..But it's the WONDER of the BUS that has her...I will end up registering her but I still like to ask...
Then our lil Sarah is now 2 years old and she has such the little personality..She still nurses, not as much nowdays and I'm a bit sad as she's our LAST BABY!!!..But kindof relieved too..Now to get them out of our bed at night..Oh they fall asleep in their beds, but come in sometime in the night..And Valerie has been kicking me soo much that my ankle is bruised and has a little knot in it..OUCH!!!!...
And as for my hubby Brian..Work is starting to come his way more plentiful and I'm sooo glad..He's a carpenter by trade, but I didn't realize just how good he is at his work..He made a custom cabinet for a customer and I helped a bit..(I have the splinters to prove When he installed it..I was like WHOA!!!...After 17 1/2 years he STILL amazes me..Now I just need to remember that next time I'm MAD at
Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL 2009....
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