Friday, July 20, 2012
What's New..
Well, the wedding has been upped a bit..It's now set for August 18,2012. So a scrambling we go..I'm finding all kinds of crochet patterns online for christmas stuff. I hope to make some toys and stuffies to pass out for those that won't get anything..We'll see...
I'm getting everyone ready for the new school year..Only 4 left in school..I snuck a peek at my blog and oh my..Boy have my kids grown fast..Right when you think they will never grow up..BLINK...They are..Cassie is going to be a Sophomore..She has a friend Alex who will most likely become a permanent fixture in a couple more years..He's nice..I really like him...Andie is going to be in 8th grade...Last year of Jr High for her...Valerie is in 3rd/4th grade and Sarah is beginning her journey in Kindergarten...We are going to be taking a shot at lapbooking..Looks like alot of fun as well as educational..I'm finding sooo much info and AWESOME sites..
This weekend is our family reunion for my dh's family..It's bound to be a great time for all...And I've taken up trying to Bonsai again..No out of state moves are in the future, so I figured why not..Plus one plant I want to start won't flower for 5 to 7 years..So I'll be almost 50 by the time it flowers..Hope everyone is having a great day...Crafty Hugs....
Monday, July 2, 2012
Lots of happenings..
Bree and Jeff came home and had their engagement pictures done..I think they turned out beautiful..
Katie has graduated from high school. I bet it's going to seem really weird to her when everyone else goes to school and she doesn't have to. Eventually she's planning on going to college, but for now she wants to chill..
I'm such a proud mama..Cassie is going to be a Sophomore,Andie an 8th grader,Valeie a 4th grader and Sarah Kindergartener. That song pops into my head "Don't Blink"..It's soo true..I remember Katie and Bree going into high school now it's my 3rd in the throws of high school.. But the END PRIZE is being ALONE with my AMAZING hubby..Almost 21 years now..I had a birthday I'm now 40!!!!!!!!!...I had a harder time turning 30 than I am 40..I also found some pictures I thought were long gone..Really neat to find pictures..Maybe when I have more time I will scan some and upload them in..A memory lane for me..
I crocheted a chili pepper using the correct size hook and he turned out bigger than I expected so I made a doll out of him.His name is Julio..
I am going to be opening up a store. I put Julio in there to see what happens. Well, that will be about it for now. I better get some cleaning and crafting done while Cassie has the kids at the park. Take care..
Crafty Hugs...
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Bree and Jeff are on their way to visit for the weekend. Katie graduates in a few days. She has decided to take her sisters lead and move in with her boyfriend. Not what we'd like, but it's what she has chosen.
I am taking care of a friend's 3 kids. A 4 year old girl and 3 year old TWIN boys. Boys are definitly different than girls. And to me they are alot harder. And my neice had another little boy in January 2012. He's a sweetheart and I do take him for her from time to time. His name is Malachi. He's Aunty's little boy.
Isn't he scrumptious..He's such a cutie pie. Just like his brother. Speaking of which I can't wait to see our lil Rie Rie next month and my sister..He's soooo cutie patootie..
And the white puppy is Oakley and the brown puppy is Jasper.. I can't wait to see them again.
Our anniversary trip is on hold because of the wedding. But that's ok. And Katie is most likely going to get married in May or June of 2013. So maybe a 21st Anniversary trip?!!!!.. We're still hoping to get some property soon. We're looking into 36 acres. So we'll see. Well it's that time so I'll go for now. Hope everyone as a great day..
Crafty Hugs..
Friday, April 20, 2012
On April 1,2012 Jeff asked Briana to be his wife. And ofcourse she said yes..I'm beyond thrilled. He's taking good care of her. So the date has been set for October 20,2012. Just 5 days before her daddy's birthday and 1 day before her great aunt's birthday. So the fun of planning has started. We have soo many ideas swimming around. It will be neat to see what we end up with..
Cassie loves her new school. She's doing well. Sooo nice to see her happy and bouncy again. Andie is on the softball team for her school. And Val and Sarah are well, Val and Sarah. They can be little stinkers, then they are little loves. Not sure what Katie is up to nowdays. But she graduates June 3,2012.
Well, the sun is shining so I'm gonna go out and do some yardwork. And come in and do some crochet...
Crafty Hugs..
Monday, February 20, 2012
I can't believe it's February almost March of 2012. Bree is still in Idaho, she calls every now and again..She's doing really good. Katie is almost finished with school. That in itself is hard to comprehend for me. She's having a bit of trouble with her Language Arts. But it's also a college course, so she's getting college credit. She'll do good tho..I have faith in her...Cassie is having problems in school as well..Not academically but socially..There's people that don't like her (we all have some of those I guess) and is trying to make her life miserable..But she's hanging in there...Minor problems, but I guess we're due since Bree and Katie were sooo easy to raise. Gotta have one out of 6 aye?..Andie is doing reall well in her schooling. She has friends and Andie is sad she won't be going to the same high school as her friends..We're planning on moving to a nearby city this summer or next year. I am getting Cassie out of the high school she's at tho..Valerie is falling behind in school. So I am going to pull her out of Connections and concentrate on what she needs (phonics) until she gets it..Her teacher was also concerned. I was going to put her on a IEP but after her testing and referral just lots of waiting..So I guess our school year is going to be from March to March. We'll see.I have curriculum on order and lots of books coming in for Valerie and Sarah..Now I need to search for Art ideas..Sarah is doing well..Her recalling is developing so we're gonna take advantage of that..Brian had today off, which was nice..He becomes a full fledged partner next month in the company he's working for now..I had to sign a paper myself..I asked why since I don't go to the jobs, and was told it's just because I'm his he's done well for the last 20 years I don't think he'd lead me astray need to make planners and a schedule..I am also gonna look into unschooling and notebooking for learning retention...I am happy with my life, just worried about Valerie..She's like Bree with anxiety about being in a school setting..I made the mistake of forcing Bree to go to school when the school said I should homeschool..Turned out she dropped out of school anyway..So very proactive with Valerie...Will keep you all updated...Crafty Hugs....
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